So before you decide to do it yourself .. would you fly in a plane that you built yourself !?
I can pretty much guarantee, unless you actually know what goes on within the content and external factors that are required for making a successful visible website, then you run the risk of the only people who will find your self built site will be you and the ones that you actually give the address too. The build your own website companies will not tell you that.
Simply put, If you really are not familiar with how content should be entered and promoted within a website then do not build one yourself. We could both make identical looking websites and unless you really understand what is required, by the time we both go live, only one website will be found in the search engines and get that new customer. FRUITY WEB.
Simply put, If you really are not familiar with how content should be entered and promoted within a website then do not build one yourself. We could both make identical looking websites and unless you really understand what is required, by the time we both go live, only one website will be found in the search engines and get that new customer. FRUITY WEB.